Automobile Photo Retouching

Automobile Photo Retouching

We understand that well-defined, neat images play a vital role in improving sales of automobiles. We get regular feedback from our clients on how their sales increased manifold post our image editing services. This kind of photo retouching includes aspects like density corrections, image resizing, removing elements like glares, dents, scratches, etc. Additional requirements like removing unwanted reflections or stickers and other distracting features, cleaning the background of unwanted elements like people, dustbins, poles etc., and replacing backgrounds are also taken care of on custom request.

Change the background

We reset the original background of an automobile with a customized background as per clients requirments. Although we retain the original shadows and the road, distractions like dirt, cracks, potholes etc., are eliminated.

White background with shadows

An automobile here is completely lifted from its studio background and given a clean white background, retaining and matching original shadows. This is instrumental in giving consistency to your automobiles and these look awesome compiled in a presentation. If nee be, you can always ask for changing background as per your choice.

Customise your background

In this, an automobile here is completely lifted from its
original background and given brand new backdrop
to make it look more attractive, although we retain
original shadows here as well. You can always ask for changing background as per your choice and the
colors of the automobile can also be manipulated
at any point of time and as much as variations possible.

360 degree automobile rotation

The most common way to capture 360 product images is to use a photography studio with a rotating platform, or turntable. Instead of moving a camera around the object, the camera remains in a fixed position. This equipment is used to capture a set of images to view product from every angle. As the images are shot in the studio background they don't have any reflections and lighting on them which make them look a bit artificial. We improve the 360 degree shots by adding light and reflections on them. As per clients requirements sometime these models are recoloured to get their original look and feel . The trick lies in tweaking these images in such a way that these look natural and not artificial.

Impressive Discounts on Bulk images for Regular Customers

We offer attractive discounts to our regular customers depending upon the number of images shared on monthly basis. To avail our regular discount schemes, do get in touch as soon as possible.

10% Off on all the product images shared during a month where your order exceeds US $200.

15% Off on all the portrait images shared during a month where your order exceeds US $300.

20% Off on all wedding photography images during a month where your order exceeds US $500.

30% Off on all above categories listed during a month where your order exceeds US $1000.

To check for other discounts on project basis, please do get in touch with us.


Alpha Digital Studios has been successully offering Image editing services to some of the best companies from
around the world. We have worked on hundreds of images ever since our company's establishment in 2014.

Many award winning corporate photographer and companies use our services for retouching their products and getting their products enhanced for visual presentation in the online marketplace. Alpha Digital Studios has been successfully offering Photoshop services to some of the best companies from around the world.