Ecommerce Product Image Retouching

Ecommerce Product Image Retouching

Ecommerce product photo editing services focuses on selling more products online. It compels customers to purchase things they can't touch or feel, therefore images of these products are made to look presentable in an irresistible way to leave a lasting impression on the minds of the potential customers. Product retouching service entails product background removal or changing it to white, clipping and masking, reshaping, color optimization of the products, removal of undesired elements from the images, shadow and reflection creation, 360 degree rotation, Hollowman retouching, Image compositing, etc., and we provide all of this at a very reasonable price.


Apparel are oftentimes photographed on dummies. The purpose of shooting these products on a dummy is to capture their fitting and reduce creasing and distortion of the fabric. To remove the dummy later on, photographers shoot the insides of the apparels so they can replace the dummy underneath. This gives it a 3D effect in addition to details like shadow creation, label straightening, and colour correction.

Shadow and Reflection

Shadows and reflections are an absolute necessity when it comes to online product presentation. They give a product a realistic and superior look. It is generally best to capture natural shadows and reflections while photographing but sometimes these fail to get captured due to various conditions like bad lighting, inappropriate background etc. Be it jewelry, shoes or bags, our eCommerce product photo retouching service has a fix for all your image needs.

Apparel reshaping

During apparel photography, products are often pinned or taped to a background which causes a lot of distortion. Also,sometimes, these apparel items are wrinkled, which ruins their presentability factor. Product Photo editing experts at Alpha digital Studios align and reshape these items to give them a more professional look by ironing out all the creases and wrinkles and giving them a neat look.

Re-coloringand patterning

Sometimes products are required in different color and pattern variations, e.g.,diamond rings, jewelry, table tops etc. Photographers generally shoot one picture of such products and give them to us for recoloring and pattern alterations. The trick lies in tweaking these images in such a way that these look natural and not artificial. Photo recoloring is not only effective when it comes to product presentation but it is also very time-saving and cost-effective when it comes to photography.

Impressive Discounts on Bulk images for Regular Customers

We offer attractive discounts to our regular customers depending upon the number of images shared on monthly basis. To avail our regular discount schemes, do get in touch as soon as possible.

10% Off on all the product images shared during a month where your order exceeds US $200.

15% Off on all the portrait images shared during a month where your order exceeds US $300.

20% Off on all wedding photography images during a month where your order exceeds US $500.

30% Off on all above categories listed during a month where your order exceeds US $1000.

To check for other discounts on project basis, please do get in touch with us.


Alpha Digital Studios has been successully offering Image editing services to some of the best companies from
around the world. We have worked on hundreds of images ever since our company's establishment in 2014.

Many award winning corporate photographer and companies use our services for retouching their products and getting their products enhanced for visual presentation in the online marketplace. Alpha Digital Studios has been successfully offering Photoshop services to some of the best companies from around the world.